Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's been keeping me going lately...

Podcasts. I had no idea how great these things are! I've been listening to Mark Maron's "WTF" podcast and it is like he's speaking to the depths of my soul. His podcast is always entertaining, enlightening, and is totally worth the effort to catch!

Others I really enjoy include Doug Benson's "Doug Loves Movies" and "Jordan and Jessie, GO!" These guys are all comedians and are all gut-busting hilarious; I've gotten strange looks from other people at work for walking around with a crooked smile or bursting out laughing at something only I can hear.

Sorry for not being more entertaining, I'm kinda fading fast here. I will post my essay "Energy Independence: A Five-Point Practical Energy Plan for America" tonight in the hopes of generating at least a little web traffic here. I plan to focus more energy on launching this blog in the very near future!