Now this guy has it figured out when it comes to husking his corn:
June 7th, 2012
The employment market seems to have picked up! This is fantastic news for job-seekers like me. I'm seeing openings that have not been available for years finally available in the region. I am excited about the many prospects out there and have had several positive replies. Employment numbers are nearly 10% better than 18 to 24 months ago, although this still leaves almost double the so-called "ideal" unemployment rate at approximately 8.5%.
The stock market had its most significant rally in months just 24 hours ago. While it quickly slowed, it looks like confidence is returning to the market overall, in my opinion. Perhaps the inability of overseas markets to meet high-tech and other specialized demands as completely as needed will slow the hemorrhaging that the US economy has been experiencing. While this seems to me like a rare moment for optimism, the US economy still teeters on the brink of catastrophe pending another major oil supply disaster like the Deepwater Horizon or a disruption in overseas supplies.
Speaking of the oil supply issue, I saw an advertisement for Shell claiming that they were renewing ethanol supplies with a contract through Brazil. Setting aside that this is a defeatist approach, as shipping ethanol with tankers that run on fuel oil "kind of" destroys the carbon neutrality of the ethanol, Shell (Royal Dutch Shell) is based in Europe. America continues to lag behind the leaders of the pack in renewable energy, and this simply does not bode well for the security of America's future prosperity.
June 5th, 2012
Today (well, sunset tonight) marks the first time in the last hundred odd years (other than 2004) that Venus traversing the solar disc will be visible! I tried to pick up the #14 welding glass inserts recommended on NPR at a local welder's shop, only to have the guy tell me that a gentleman had come in and bought all 4 pair just a few days prior!
He suggested that I use #10 and #5 glass together. While this is incredibly dark, I will have to see in application exactly how intense the sun is near sunset. I may end up being happy I can switch to a lighter shade if the event is not visible until nearer to dusk, we'll just have to wait and see!
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I will attempt to get some of my own pictures to share, I have no idea how well they might turn out. It looks like the weather will hold and be clear, so here's hoping!