To any anonymous web traffic: Welcome to craigsphere! This blog will be under construction for an undetermined amount of time. I will be in the process of publishing my work regarding national energy planning and my commentary upon and hopefully insights into the workings of the everyday world. I intend to include some fun content as well, and plan to post some of the content I have created for role-playing/war games.
Shameless SEO!!! Environment, blog, renewable energy, energy, electricity, wind power, hydro power, fracking, natural gas, nature, outdoors, video, games, hobbies, video games, astronomy, naturalist, writer, editor, scholar, specialist, technical writer, technical writing, Craig Lazzar, money, business, stock market, economy, solar, solar power, geothermal, heat pump, passive heating, climate, architecture, building, green, sustainability, sustainable, independent, independence